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文章轉自:BuzzFeed, 19 Things You Never Knew About IKEA

1. IKEA每十秒就賣出一個多層櫃(Billy bookshelf),這是IKEA最暢銷的東西。

IKEA sells one BILLY bookshelf every 10 seconds . It is their most popular product.

2. IKEA使用了世界上商業供應木材的1%

IKEA uses approximately 1% of the world's entire commercial supply of wood.

3. IKEA創始人Ingvar Kamprad的淨資產高達42億

Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA, has a net worth of $4.2 billion.

4. Kamprad曾被拒絕進入他本該領年度企業獎的宴會場合,只因為他搭乘公車

Kamprad was once denied entry at a gala when he showed up to receive a Businessman Of The Year Award because he had arrived via bus.

5. Kamprad也曾承認他在1942年到1945年間,參加過與納粹組織友好的法西斯新瑞典運動(the fascist New Swedish Movement)。

Kamprad also once admitted to having Nazi ties as a member of the fascist New Swedish Movement between 1942 and 1945.

6. IKEA每年會銷售排起來約800公里長的物品,足夠裝滿9000個奧運用的游泳池

Every year, IKEA delivers around 800 million feet of products. That's enough product to fill more than 9,000 Olympic-sized pools.

7. IKEA裡有約9500個家庭的家具量

There are approximately 9,500 home furnishing products in the IKEA range.

8. 英國有五分之一的人睡在IKEA的床墊上。

1 in 5 people in the UK sleep on an IKEA mattress.

9. IKEA在全球雇用至少131,000的員工

IKEA employs more than 131,000 people worldwide.

10. 在2012年,估計有六億五千五百萬人次的訪客到過IKEA。

In 2012, there were an estimated 655 million visitors to IKEA stores.

11. 在2016年,IKEA將全面更換燈泡產品為LED燈,也就是說,IKEA未來只買得到LED燈具與燈泡。

In 20l6, IKEA will convert its entire lighting range to LED . Only LED lamps and bulbs will be sold from then on out.

12. IKEA的產品標籤上標示的是產品名字而產品編號,因為創辦人Kamprad有數字閱讀障礙(dyslexia

IKEA products are named rather than numbered because founder Kamprad is dyslexic.

13. IKEA一字是Ingvar Kamprad (創辦人)、Elmtaryd(創辦人成長的農場)和Agunnaryd(他的故鄉)的縮寫。

IKEA is an acronym that stands for Ingvar Kamprad (founder), Elmtaryd (the farm where he grew up), and Agunnaryd (his hometown).

14. 每年IKEA的廣告目錄印刷量比聖經還多

There are more copies of the IKEA catalog printed each year than the Bible.

15. IKEA的商品價格自2000年,每年平均便宜2%


IKEA has lowered its prices by an average of 2% each year since 2000.

16. IKEA正在倫敦東部建造一個27英畝的城鎮。

IKEA is building a 27-acre town in East London.

17. 全球最大的IKEA坐落於瑞典的Stockholm,占地約594,167平方公尺,比十個美式足球場還要大。(哇!!超想去一賭旗艦店的風姿。)

The largest IKEA store in the world is located in Stockholm, Sweden. It covers 594,167 square feet, which is bigger than 10 American football fields.

18. IKEA是第一個是用男同志人像作為廣告的公司。

IKEA was the first company to feature a portrayal of a gay relationship in one of their ads.

19. 自1960年

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